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Join their events as they bring you to a different local find each time, where you can collect points and compete. During the events, they'll bring you to at least one of the City's Hidden Gemz for you to discover. You can come with friends, with a group or alone, and you are sure to have a great time exploring the city in search of cozy cafes secret speakeasys to virtual reality arcades. Embark on an adventure with Hidden Gemz and turn city exploration into a thrilling game, like Pokémon Go for local businesses. This real-world game invites you to uncover local treasures, earn points, and enjoy exciting rewards. Every interaction earns you redeemable points, bringing you closer to exciting perks like concert tickets, dinner for two and so much more. This engaging experience isn't just about exploring; it's about supporting local businesses. Share your favorite spots in the city by taking pictures or checking in, making your mark in the community. The more you explore, share, and support, the greater the rewards in this fun-filled journey through the heart of the city.
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