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One glance from the canyon rim will be enough to explain the name. With its many nooks and crannies, this eye-catching canyon was an ideal place to stash stolen horses in wilder times. Unlike those outlaws, the site can be found easily. It sits just off the highway known as the Dinosaur Trail, only 16 km (10 mi) northwest of Drumheller on the east bank of the Red Deer River. Horsethief Canyon offers stunning views of the valley below, which is an outstanding example of the classic badlands landscape. You can see it all from the parking lot, but it’s best to stand on the rim of the canyon and marvel at the stratified rock and the otherworldly formations. Please note that hiking is not allowed in the canyon. That’s not because of dangerous hidden outlaws (they’ve been gone for about 100 years) but because the canyon sits on private property.
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